Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Soupcan Eddie

Animatic video

Shot list:

1. Oversized soup can with dome lid flying through space, heading towards earth’s atmosphere.
2. Soup can goes through layers of clouds.
3. Soup can can be seen from the ground. It comes flying towards the ground at a shallow angle.
4. Soup can leaves a dust cloud behind it, swooping around any high obstacles.
5. Soup can approaches a house and barn in the distance.
6. Soup can goes through corn, corn flies everywhere.
7. Soup can storms through top of house through window.
8. Soup can goes through the house towards the barn
9. Soup can lands in haystack.
10. Animals gather around the haystack.
11. Haystack rustles.
12. Eddie pops out of the haystack, hay flying everywhere.

Graphite, sketchbook, Windows Movie Maker.

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